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Ligandrol LGD4033 15mg




Welcome to the ultimate Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) – LGD-4033. Also known as Ligandrol, is renowned for its ability to amplify lean muscle growth, enhance endurance, and optimize strength gains, all while minimizing the unwanted side effects typically associated with traditional anabolic steroids. LGD-4033 selectively targets the androgen receptors in muscle and bone. It is considered the most powerful muscle builder of all Sarms and is also known for creating drastic increases in strength and power.

Scientifically Proven Benefits:

Muscle Mass Amplification: Numerous studies have demonstrated LGD-4033’s remarkable capacity to promote rapid muscle growth and increase muscle mass. In a study published in the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, LGD-4033 was shown to significantly enhance muscle weight in both sedentary and castrated rats, emphasizing its potent anabolic effects without concurrent androgenic activity.
Strength Optimization: LGD-4033 has the potential to elevate strength levels to unprecedented heights. Clinical trials have revealed a substantial increase in muscle strength among subjects administered LGD-4033, making it the sought-after compound among athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.
Endurance Enhancement: Fatigue can be heavily reduced and stamina increased. LGD-4033 has been shown to enhance endurance capacity, allowing users to push beyond their limits during intense workouts. This increased endurance can lead to enhanced workout performance and accelerated progress.
Rapid Recovery: Studies have suggested that LGD-4033 may facilitate quicker recovery from strenuous exercise by reducing muscle damage and inflammation, enabling researchers to maintain high level performance output more consistently.
Safety Profile: Unlike conventional anabolics, LGD-4033 offers a favourable safety profile with minimal androgenic side effects. Clinical trials have reported negligible adverse effects on vital organs such as the liver, prostate, and cardiovascular system, making LGD-4033 a safer alternative for performance enhancement.

Research suggests this compound (LGD-4033) is effective dosed at 5mg – 10mg per day. Each bottle has 300mg of LGD-4033 per unit. 1ml of liquid is equal to 10mg of LGD-4033. Each bottle contains 30 + dosages. Research cycle length: 6 – 8 Weeks. Shake well before use.

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